Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge Project

The first OysterBreak project funded under the CWPPRA program, the Bioengineered Oyster Reef Demo (LA-08) is located on the Gulf shoreline of the Rockefeller Refuge in Cameron Parish. Wayfarer Environmental Technologies produced and shipped over 1200 OysterBreak rings each weighing over 1 ton. The structure is designed to take a Category 1 hurricane. Finished in February of 2012, the OysterBreak is already covered in quarter sized oysters as of January 2013, and there is a visible shoreline response.

OysterBreak-Ring-InstallationThis demonstration project was completed and a draft report is available on the CWPPRA website. Contractors finished ahead of schedule. Installation of up to 45-50 Oysterbreak units per hour were achieved indicating the success of this technology through cost containment, rapid deployment, and positive results.

Rockefeller OysterBreak Shoreline Stabilization Gallery

This gallery demonstrates immense strides made by Wayfarer Environmental Technologies in working with local industries and service providers. Working with incredible local talent Wayfarer's team continues to optimize installation costs while improving the installation timeframe. As the scale of shoreline restoration and protection projects increase a corresponding improvement in the speed and efficiency of installation helps maintain project timelines and stabilize project installation costs.